Roche pupils take forward ideas on behalf of their peers and contribute to the School Evaluation and Development Plan with the headteacher and senior management.
Children from Reception to Year 6 have the opportunity to be part of School Council. One pupil from each class is elected by their peers to be their representative.
The meetings are led by the pupils, with guidance from the School Council coordinator, Señor Jon. In each meeting, the children discuss ideas from the suggestions board, follow up on previous targets and work towards new projects. The children ensure that their classes are kept up to date and are part of discussions about forthcoming initiatives.
Keep reading to see what they have implemented.

Lunch Menu
The children asked if we could display the menu so they know their lunch options are for the day. We now have a board in the lunch hall which displays the menu using pictures so children can decide what they would like to eat.
Experience Days
With the support of our parent committee, FORS, the children arrange a whole school experience day each term. This has included an inflatable planetarium for STEM Week, a farm visit, a technology day and an opera day.

Diverse Books
The children completed surveys in their classes to collect information about their classes’ heritage and language. This information was used to ensure that we represent a range of cultures and languages in our books. We also ensure that all children are represented through stories in the library. This an ongoing project.