Early years

Our Early Years setting provides a safe and nurturing environment where all children can thrive and develop at an appropriate pace.

The Roche School, Wandsworth

Luci Ducker-French, Head of Early Years

Children join our nursery schools aged two or three, or our Reception classes at the beginning of the school year in which they turn five.

We follow The Roche Approach: Respect, Open-mindedness, Compassion, Humour and Effort, which fosters strong values and we recognise that every child is unique and deserving of the highest quality attention in order to fulfil their potential. We encourage all children to express themselves with increasing fluency, build relationships with their peers and enjoy the wide range of opportunities on offer in the learning environment – both indoors and outdoors. A positive experience is central to the enjoyment of the EYFS years. We provide a safe and nurturing environment in which all children can thrive and develop at an appropriate pace, and we foster a love of learning both through investigative play and structured teaching sessions.

We believe that these early years in a child’s education are highly significant in terms of building key skills and behaviours for learning which lay the foundation for future development. To this end, we build positive relationships with the children and create a vibrant learning environment with stimulating learning opportunities.

This ensures every child feels safe, happy, confident and excited about learning. The prepared environment supports both the teachers’ planned activities and child-led learning with a focus on following the children’s interests. We pride ourselves in listening to children and those who care for them and use this information to personalise learning so that children reach their full potential.

Throughout the year, the Early Years teachers work closely together to ensure that there is clear progression of the curriculum and that the transition from nursery into Reception is seamless. The Reception teachers also work alongside the Lower School team, preparing children for a smooth and positive transition into Key Stage One.

Come and visit us.

Wandsworth, July 5th 2022: The Roche School