
The Roche School is committed to safeguarding its pupils and expects all staff to demonstrate the same behaviour.

Safeguarding is defined by the Department of Education in the following way:

  • Protecting children from maltreatment and neglect
  • Preventing impairment of children’s health or development
  • Ensuring children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care

All Roche School staff receive training to ensure they recognise any signs of maltreatment and know how to take appropriate steps if they have any such concerns. It is the responsibility of the school and its wider community to keep children safe from any kind of harm.

Parents with concerns about children are asked to contact the school with their concerns. Please contact the Head of Pastoral Care and Safeguarding, Louise Gilmartin, on 020 8877 0823 or email

Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding Policy Appendix

Support for parents | NSPCC

Room At The Roche

The Roche School’s new safeguarding and pastoral care initiative, Room at the Roche is already proving popular with pupils. Launched at the beginning of the 2019-20 school year, Hut 5 can be found in the playground and is a safe space for children who can drop in to discuss any problem or anxiety at all and be sure of support and understanding from dedicated staff. Room at the Roche, has been developed by the Pastoral Care team with trained staff available to lend an ear. Read more by clicking here.