
Our House System gives children a taste of what it means to be part of a community and play to their strengths.

All pupils belong to one of the four houses. They quickly form an allegiance to their house and the system nurtures fun and friendly competition at house events as they fundraise for our chosen charity, Linden Lodge School.

Foodbank Friday

The Roche School’s Foodbank Friday regularly collects donations from our community. Donations are given to Dons Local Action Group who distribute to those in greatest need. The charity has always been overwhelmed by the generosity of our parents and uses our work as a blueprint for other school. Read more about our work with Dons Local Action Group here.

Red house

Turner House (red): be the best you can be

The house motto, 'Together We Strive,' pervades everything they do. House members are kind, caring and considerate, with a passion and drive for success.

Blue house

Wren House (blue): work together to support great causes

Their motto is ‘Friendship and Wisdom.’ They previously supported the charity Crisis and raised over £2,000 through cake sales, a cross country run and other events.

Green house

Eliot House (green): find your talent and confidence and support one other.

Their motto, ‘Every Day is a New Day,’ instils perseverance and determination to succeed in all areas of school life.

Yellow house

Nelson House (yellow): strive in all things academic or sport related

They take pride in their abilities and respect those of others. The children of Nelson House do exactly what it says on their crest - 'Dare to Succeed.'